“The Wall Between”
Friday, April 05, 2024, 11:00am - 12:30pm

Come out and have a conversation with one of the authors of the new book: “The Wall Between”, and engage in a challenging but interesting subject. An opportunity to become more familiar with the conflict in Israel-Palestine and gain a better understanding of why it has become such a difficult conversation for us here in North America and how we might begin to break down “the wall between.”

This will be a 90-minute session, hearing from the author, facilitated by another Lake Ashton resident, Dr. Gary Goldetsky as well as being able to ask questions. There is no fee for the session. Participants will need to have read the book. If you don’t already have the book, they are available for $20 (contact Jeff Wilkinson). The session will be limited to 20 people, but if needed, we will hold another session. The session will be held on March 1 at 11 am in the Clubhouse Card Room.

Location :: Clubhouse Card Room